Wonderful Past

Life is about love & relationships and mad FUN: Family, friends & pets. We are embarking on a new chapter of our life; The Adoption of Our First Child!

Friday, March 31, 2006

I really need some -DAY OF FIRE- right now

Weird though it may be I have an insatiable craving to listen to some DAY of FIRE. The good sister that I am, I let my bro take the CD. Now I am at the beck and call of the radio to hear some of my favorite band. Now this isn't your AVERAGE christian band, DOF JAMS and I want to hear it RIGHT NOW. To bad we don't always get what we want. Well, the CD is probably doing Jason very well. This music totally takes me to a place that I can just worship GOD with my entire heart. I love it. Here are some lyrics of Cornertsone.

All other ground is sinking sand
A doubting maze of desert land
Where darkness rules the heart of man
Til the Son shines light on him

Lord of all
Show You’re strong
On our knees we fall
Be a cornerstone
Be a cornerstone
Be the rock higher than I
Be my fortress wallBe a foundation for all, my cornerstone

The buildings swaying in the wind
The towers crumble down againThis certainly will be the endOf them not built on Him
You, You are the builder of my heart
You’ve held me together from the start

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I feel overwhelmed

I feel overwhelmed, so much to do – so little time.

Now that we know we are not moving for a few years we can do all the stuff we wanted to do when we first moved into our house.  There was the possibility a couple weeks ago that we might move again.  Matt was offered his ULTIMATE dream job and he turned it down so that I/we could remain at the church we are at.  I say I because I was the one who begged him to not uproot us again.  In the end he felt it was the right decision to not to make the move.

Some of you may or may not know last year we paid $2,000 to have our front and back yard landscaped.  Basically - the guy did a horrible job and we have 50% weeds, 40% Crab Grass and 10% Green lawn.  Now we have to reseed both the front and the back to repair it.  I am not looking forward to this.  One, I would not have paid someone to do it if I wanted to take the time, and two, I have other things I could be doing.  That is selfish but hey, I think we are all selfish about things in our life, so no passing judgment.

Anyway – here are the things that are on our "to do" list before the end of spring

1 – Put crab grass preventer on both yards
2 – Fertilize both yards
3 – Plant the grass seed
4 – Finish the basement (our neighbor Jim is doing it for a awesome price)
5 – Paint all the rooms – Saturday night we start with both the bathrooms
6 – Get Seemless Gutters put on (for some unknown reason the builders didn't do this)
7 – Plant all the bulbs we bought (about 250 of them) for the planter boxes in the back and the front of the house
8. – Cut down the dead trees in the very back of our yard
9. – Put in a sprinkler system
10 – Get the boat washed, and the carpet cleaned
11 – Oil Change for Boat
12. – Get the dogs trained on the underground fence

It's just overwhelming.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

R-E-S-P-E-C-T......find out what it means

We went to the first session of the Love & Respect Conference at church tonight. It was awesome. I will write more about it on Sunday. The second session is all day tomorrow. If you want to read a little bit about it check out the link under my "Crazy-Insane-Life Changerz" section.

If everyone understood this the divorce rate might be a lot smaller.

Oh, and I have NEVER laughed so much in my entire life.

Friday, March 17, 2006

From the O'Mitchells

Thursday, March 16, 2006

American Idol Junkie

American Idol Junkie

Yep. That is me. I admit it. At least it is something like this rather than drugs or alcohol or smoking (which by the way – MY MOM IS A NON SMOKER NOW – Congrats to her!)

Anyway, if you have not watched the show (you must live in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan without a TV), WATCH NOW! There is no reason not to with DVR. Record it, and BAM watch it at your leisure. It is the only way to watch TV anymore.

This show gets better and better every season. The problem this year is that there are 5 peeps that I think are AWESOME and I can't choose a favorite. I am just hoping one of these 5 win and then I will buy all the albums. These guys will all have hits.

Chris is amazing and is great at the rock stuff.

Taylor -reminds me of my dad- Hicks is also a tremendous performer, quirky but entertaining nonetheless.

Mandisa can sing anything and puts a lot of the other vocals to shame.

Paris (ahhh who can't love a girl with the first name that is my maiden surname)- SHE IS ONLY 17!. Unbelievable.

Yamin – looks just like my bro's best friend Isaac. He has a fabulous R & B style.

Bucky – can sing country like best of them.

So, go to AMERICAN IDOL .COM now and check'em out.

Mitchell ……OUT!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Ahhhhh Massage Day!

I just got done with my Friday massage. I am so relaxed now and ready to go home for the weekend. Going to a Sweet concert this weekend at church.

We are going to see Apologetix on Saturday night. Click the graphic below to check them out. I I think it is going to be pretty funny.

This one is for Beth and DJ - If you LOOOOOVE 80's Glam Bands you gotta check out STRYPER. There is no love, like the love of a fan of STRYPER. LOLOL!!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Happy 2nd Birthday to Ava Renee Botimer!!!!