Wonderful Past

Life is about love & relationships and mad FUN: Family, friends & pets. We are embarking on a new chapter of our life; The Adoption of Our First Child!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Holy Mole-y Spicoli


WOW, it has been WAY TO LONG Since my last blog.

Things have been really crazy lately.

Here is a list of all the things that have happened since the last time I posted:

1. My mom made the move to MI. She is staying with me and my husband. It has been awesome. She has been cooking for us and she cleans up and she plays with my dogs. They are in HEAVEN! It has just been awesome. Although the terms of her being here are not so great, it is ok because we all have faith that what needs to happen will - GOD WILL HANDLE IT.

2. Wedding Drama - my brother-in- law J is getting married on Dec 16th. I will not go into all the details but I will say that I hope his day is not ruined. My, Matt and my bro Jason are standing up and look forward to it.

3. I have been super busy at work. It seems like I get to the office and the day is over. There is not enough time to get everything done that I want to get done.

4. Me, my mom, and Matt went to see Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire. I LOVED IT but it still is not as WONDERFUL as the book. I can't wait until the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe comes out on December 9th! I love C.S. Lewis.

5. We went to see Jeremy Camp, The Afters, and Bethany Dillon @ Sunshine Community Church in Grand Rapids last Friday. It was awesome and just what I needed after I found out the worst news ever:

6. My Grandpa, my best friend, whom I love DEARLY has lymphoma (cancer). I will not know how serious it really is for the next few days.


I know this is a boring post, but I will get back to normal soon!

Here is a picture of my dogs, bighting on to the same piece of string from a toy and growling at each other to see who will let go first. LOL!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Birthday Bus

Our friend Amy's birthday was on 11/3 and our friend Korey's birthday was yesterday 11/5. They chartered a TRAIN BUS to hang out on for their combined birthday bash. It was hysterical. It looked like a train and it had three blow horns on the front. When you got in, the first thing you noticed it was ghetto fabulous with blue vinyl seating and white washed wood as the body of the bus. There was 18 of us. These people were AWESOME , we had met most of them at Amy's wedding back in April. What is funny is that most of them at one time have worked at Plante & Moran too.
The people in attendance where: Amy, Amy's Best friend Carrie, Korey, Korey's bro David, his two uncles, David's friend Nate, Me, Matt, Andrea, Max, Heather, John, Heather's Bro, Heather's best friend Kerri.

Meet Korey

Meet AmyThe bus picked us up at Waterworks in Grand Rapids and then drove us around for an hour and we listened to a cd player that worked part of the time, and skipped the other part of the time. We then went to this little whole in the wall bar where we got into some in-depth conversation about Delphi and GM (AGAIN), Although it was intriguing at first, it got a little tiresome for a birthday party. Then we left and went to this place called Level and while we were waiting in line to get in it started pouring rain, so Amy, Matt and I got the first cab we saw and took it back to our cars and ventured home. It was AWESOME. We had a blast. Too bad Caleb was not there. Caleb is Amy's hubby and he was in Wyoming state hunting some deer. He was missed.
NOW - I have to get one thing off my chest. Weddings should not be a source of drama. They are to show our support for the people in our lives who we love very much. People who are so in love with each other that they are committing to spend the rest of their lives together. Weddings are about the people who are getting married.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It was a success

In the six years that Matt and I have been living together we have never had a single "trick-or-treater" until......last night. We figured we might have a few because we have some "friends" that always stop us when we are walking Booker and Fritz so that they can pet the rambunctious pups. These friends (a boy and a girl) are our neighbor kids that live across the street. We live in the new subdivision and so we thought we might get at least a few ghosts and goblins this year. The last time we walked the dogs our little friends were petting the pups, and Matt and I asked how many bags of candy they thought we should get. We wanted to make sure that we had enough, ya know. The little boy said "oh man you should get like three bags, every year we get like three bags and then we end up having to pass out random stuff from the cabinets that we don't eat." Matt and I were laughing so hard. We took his advice to heart and bought 5 bags.

I left work at 4:30 yesterday, so that I could be sure that I would make it home to light candles to put in my ceramic cat, pumpkin and frankenstein faces that sit on my porch. I got home at 5:30 and was waiting for Matt and the first set of kids came. I went through 5 bags in about 20 minutes. I had to start giving out granola bars and ..I sent Matt out to get more candy. I ran out of stuff to give so I had to turn our lights out until Matt got home. He came back with 5 more bags and we went through all of that in about 35 minutes. We stopped at 10 bags. IT was awesome. I loved seeing all the little little kids in the super cute costumes. It was funny because they were to young to say trick-or-treat but they could say "sank you". Sometimes they would walk up and just keep saying "sank you, sank you, sank you" until you put the candy in their hands. IT WAS SOOOO FUN. Next year, we are going to get really into it and decorate a lot more because I think we will have a lot more next year because the sub isn't even fully developed. I think we will dress up too, I have never been into holloween, but I AM NOW!!