Wednesday, May 10, 2006
About Me
- Name: Bstermyster
- Location: Indianapoils, Indiana, United States
I am Sarah. My husband is Matt. We recently adopted a newborn. He was born on 11.11.09 and we named him Kellen Alexander. We have two Siberian Huskies; Booker & Fritz. We also have a cat named Lexi whom we rescued when we first moved to Indianapolis three years ago.
Life Changerz
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis
6 Other Freaks Said:
Who or what is Taylor Hicks??? (smile)
Did you see the look on Chris and Kat's faces when Ryan said that Chris was going home. It was pretty shady. I was like "OH my gosh! HE just totally led me to believe that Chris was staying". Sneaky bastard. I too am hoping that Taylor wins. I am not a big fan of the other guy, even though Paula has apparently "endorsed" him.
Well Elliot (sp) needs to go home like 4 weeks ago.. So he better get the axe this week...
I figured it would be Chris and Taylor for the final showdown..
Name changed to American Idle
Ok, Taylor is goofy but he really can put on a show and his vocals are sweet. If it would have come down to Taylor and Chris, I would have voted for both but would have wanted Chris to win. I really think Kat can control her voice very well. I am not her #1 fan. I would pick Elliot over her anyday. I am not sure about Elliot, I don't think he is consistant. But basically, if Taylor doesn't win, I might not watch American Idle (LOL) anymore.
Hi, Sarah! Ummmm... I have never watched a single one of the American Idol shows... not a one. Go figure. So, if you say that Taylor Hicks should win, then I hope it's so. LOL!
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