Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
More DaVinci Code Debunking
So I am a major Lee Strobel fan. He wrote The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, and The Case for Christianity. He used to be an atheist and is now a believer. This article is a great guide to converstation about the falsehoods in the book.
Truth v. 'The Da Vinci Code'
The bestselling book and blockbuster movie present the best evangelistic opportunity in recent memory - by Lee Strobel
Oh and Focus on the Family has also created a place to search for answers, just check it out here:
KNOW the TRUTH, Share the TRUTH
For the Love of Unbelievers
For the Love of Unbelievers:
I am not a Christian that believes I am better than anyone else, I believe that the best way to show unbelievers the love of Christ is to be a good friend and listen to them. I am not choosy about who I befriend. There are a ton of people in my life that I LOVE very deeply who are unbelievers. I am not embarrassed to be seen with them, nor do I hide the fact I am friends with them. I have a heart for everyone and the best thing I can do is be there for them when they are hurting. I also have a heart that burns for the salvation of those same unbelievers and pray for them everyday. I can get along with anyone because, even though I believe strongly about certain things, I can listen to an opposing view and not get angry (unless someone attacks me then I get defensive). There are a lot of reasons why a person chooses not to believe and we cannot assume we know what those reasons are. One thing I do know is that sometimes it takes more than the bible for people to believe. It takes showing love for people that we might be uncomfortable with.
One thing I know is that my Grandma "an Evangelical minister" (Paris side of family) taught me about the love of Jesus. A love so strong that he willingly died on a cross to prove that love for me. If you are an atheist, guess what God still loves you. If you are any kind of an addict - Jesus still loves you. You can deny Christ but he will always love you and there is always a door for you to run through when you are ready to realize the fullness of that love.
My brother Jason is a prime example of what the love of Jesus can do in your life. He used to be cynical, sarcastic, angry and very defensive. When he turned his life completely over to Christ I witnessed a remarkable change. His voice is full of confidence, love and a yearning to witness to others. If there is anything in my life that has ever proven that God exists, it is the change in my brother. I have prayed for him for almost 20 years and at times felt like God would never get a hold of him. Thank GOD I never gave up because the thought of being separated from my brother from eternity was almost unbearable. No one can ever know the love that I have for my brother. Although he has challenged me at times, I wouldn’t take any of it back.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Da Vinci Code Skepticsm - THE MOVIE ROCKS

When the Da Vinci Code first came out, I made a decision to pass on reading it. The reason I passed was because I had heard from many people that it was a book about Jesus and Marry Magdalene being married and that they had a baby. As a Christian this was very disturbing to me. I was so disgusted that I took of my logic cap and started protesting it. I was given the impression that it was a book of historical facts. I skipped articles about it, I skipped discussions about it, and I let it fall off the face of my earth. Most people who know me well, know that I love to read and I read fast. I love books and I always have. I have never been one to turn down a novel that has been recommended to me by someone who knows my reading style. Boy did I miss out on this one. All I had to do was do a little research and come to the understanding that it is FICTION.
I am not going to spoil the movie for those who have not seen it yet. I saw the preview last night and I am probably one of the first to see it in my circle of friends and family. I have to say, this movie is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is suspenseful from the beginning and it keeps your brain moving as the characters go from place to place trying to crack the "Da Vinci Code" to find the books version of the Holy Grail. It is a movie more about this search than anything else. Tom Hanks' portrays one of his better characters with historical substance, educated and very fascinating. It was fun to see the historical banter between Hanks and Ian McKellen. You might remember Ian McKellen from a little known role as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.
Basically my take on the controversy is this:
Don't see this movie or read this book to learn who Jesus really was, it is FICTION. The definition of FICTION is :
fic·tion n.
1A An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
1B The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.
2 A lie.
3A A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact.3B The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories.
Law. Something untrue that is intentionally represented as true by the narrator.
Please turn to the Holy Bible for your answers about who Jesus really was, and if you need to -read this book to learn about all the falsehoods that are in the book, which in turn make it a FICTION book:
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Updates and Tidbits
Updates & Tidbits
Matt is now on the Audit Committee at church. Yay! I think he will really be able to help them. He is such a smart guy. Brilliant really, but seeing as we are married, I am a little biased. If you ever need to know anything about internal controls, he would be able to help you.
I just heard on the Paul W. Smith show on 760 AM WJR that the UN is holding a summit this summer about banning firearms for all citizens of the world, except GOVERNMENTS. Ok, this is getting a little freaky and a little too much like what happened in the "Left Behind Series" for my liking. This is just crazy because when Citizens cannot have guns for protection, Governments start murdering people. Look at the Sudan. I can't get really in-depth at the moment, but this is a BAD IDEA. The U.S. cannot let this happen. As much as we would all like world peace, it will never happen. All people don't want peace, they want power, if they did want peace then we would NOT have criminals. Talking to people who are evil will not convince them to hug trees and love everyone. I am sorry to have to tell you this, if you don't know it by know - Some people just don't want to be educated, and even those that are can still be power hungry and selfish.
Summer Weather!
The temps have been awesome and I think we are going to be able to take the boat out this weekend. That is, if we can get cleaned up in time to go for run. It needs a pretty bad bath. I cannot wait to take it for the first run. That is always a spirit lifter.
Matt's Blog
Ok so for those of you who want to know what Matt is writing about, you can check his blog out on MySpace. He is actually keeping it fairly updated but his page still needs a little work. So, if you want to check it out the link is on this page at the top. MySpace is fun. You should do it if you haven't already. I think it gets way more negative exposure than it should – PARENTS do you know what your kids are doing? I think that is key when kids are involved with the internet.