It was a success
In the six years that Matt and I have been living together we have never had a single "trick-or-treater" until......last night. We figured we might have a few because we have some "friends" that always stop us when we are walking Booker and Fritz so that they can pet the rambunctious pups. These friends (a boy and a girl) are our neighbor kids that live across the street. We live in the new subdivision and so we thought we might get at least a few ghosts and goblins this year. The last time we walked the dogs our little friends were petting the pups, and Matt and I asked how many bags of candy they thought we should get. We wanted to make sure that we had enough, ya know. The little boy said "oh man you should get like three bags, every year we get like three bags and then we end up having to pass out random stuff from the cabinets that we don't eat." Matt and I were laughing so hard. We took his advice to heart and bought 5 bags.
I left work at 4:30 yesterday, so that I could be sure that I would make it home to light candles to put in my ceramic cat, pumpkin and frankenstein faces that sit on my porch. I got home at 5:30 and was waiting for Matt and the first set of kids came. I went through 5 bags in about 20 minutes. I had to start giving out granola bars and ..I sent Matt out to get more candy. I ran out of stuff to give so I had to turn our lights out until Matt got home. He came back with 5 more bags and we went through all of that in about 35 minutes. We stopped at 10 bags. IT was awesome. I loved seeing all the little little kids in the super cute costumes. It was funny because they were to young to say trick-or-treat but they could say "sank you". Sometimes they would walk up and just keep saying "sank you, sank you, sank you" until you put the candy in their hands. IT WAS SOOOO FUN. Next year, we are going to get really into it and decorate a lot more because I think we will have a lot more next year because the sub isn't even fully developed. I think we will dress up too, I have never been into holloween, but I AM NOW!!
6 Other Freaks Said:
That is soooo cute. What was he? I wish I had a little one to take. It would have been so fun.
My first year in this house we had like 200+ kids so this year we really stocked up and had only around 50. The last half dozen kids that stopped I just told them to open their bags and say when but I still had about several pounds left with twenty minutes to go so I told my wife that the next person is just getting the bucket. Nobody else showed up. Since the early kids cherry picked all the good stuff out, I just took the rest of it to work. Those vultures will eat anything. Next year I won't buy as much if Halloween falls on a weekday.
Ed - that is crazy. That is A LOT of candy.
Mijamom - of course send me the pics. I would love to see the kids all dressed up.
Eddie - did you have any trick or treaters?
That "sank you" is hilarious! Glad you enjoyed it.
We stopped celebrating Halloween many years ago....but I know that so many enjoy it. We did not have any trick or treaters this year. Actually practically all of So.FL got cancelled....too dangerous and no power...w/limbs and power lines down. Some tried during the daylight hours.
Boy that is a classic photo. Thanks for making me smile tonight.
That is too cool..
Nice Picture...
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