Wonderful Past

Life is about love & relationships and mad FUN: Family, friends & pets. We are embarking on a new chapter of our life; The Adoption of Our First Child!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Birthday Bus

Our friend Amy's birthday was on 11/3 and our friend Korey's birthday was yesterday 11/5. They chartered a TRAIN BUS to hang out on for their combined birthday bash. It was hysterical. It looked like a train and it had three blow horns on the front. When you got in, the first thing you noticed it was ghetto fabulous with blue vinyl seating and white washed wood as the body of the bus. There was 18 of us. These people were AWESOME , we had met most of them at Amy's wedding back in April. What is funny is that most of them at one time have worked at Plante & Moran too.
The people in attendance where: Amy, Amy's Best friend Carrie, Korey, Korey's bro David, his two uncles, David's friend Nate, Me, Matt, Andrea, Max, Heather, John, Heather's Bro, Heather's best friend Kerri.

Meet Korey

Meet AmyThe bus picked us up at Waterworks in Grand Rapids and then drove us around for an hour and we listened to a cd player that worked part of the time, and skipped the other part of the time. We then went to this little whole in the wall bar where we got into some in-depth conversation about Delphi and GM (AGAIN), Although it was intriguing at first, it got a little tiresome for a birthday party. Then we left and went to this place called Level and while we were waiting in line to get in it started pouring rain, so Amy, Matt and I got the first cab we saw and took it back to our cars and ventured home. It was AWESOME. We had a blast. Too bad Caleb was not there. Caleb is Amy's hubby and he was in Wyoming state hunting some deer. He was missed.
NOW - I have to get one thing off my chest. Weddings should not be a source of drama. They are to show our support for the people in our lives who we love very much. People who are so in love with each other that they are committing to spend the rest of their lives together. Weddings are about the people who are getting married.

11 Other Freaks Said:

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Ed said...

You would think that with high divorce rates, weddings that went perfectly would be all over the place as people would wait until everything was worked out and knew for certain that they were made for each other. Out of the last half dozen weddings I went to, only two of them I though had no drama and very nice ceremoines. The other four I think were not only weird but I would be surprised it the marriate lasted more than five years.

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Nichan said...

I thought weddings were supposed to be full of drama! I would have been disappointed if everything went smoothly at my wedding:) And...we are still going strong, 4 years and counting!

Totally unrelated to this post...

Sarah, I sent you an email regarding NYE but still haven't heard from you. I have tickets for you and Matt and I have booked the hotel. We made reservations at a fancy pants restaurant in Ann Arbor. Just let me know what is going on!!! Danielle and Steve will be coming as will Eddie and Bethany. Overall...we are all gonna get drunk and then head to Denny's for Nachos and a milkshake! Hahahahaha!


At 2:57 PM, Blogger Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Sat: 11/12
Sounds like fun....Believe me when I say...if a wedding happens with me...it will be drama!! (LOL) You are sweet to acknowledge the true meaning and a reminder...for ones that get side-tracked.

Missed you while I have been away dealing w/the hurricane issues here...things are slowly getting back to normal....however still have tons on my platter. Take care and God Bless you.

P.S. Hope your team wins today!! (smiling)

At 10:27 PM, Blogger Three Score and Ten or more said...

I like the simple. I agree with you. I think one of the saddest things is when people virtually bankrupt themselves for a wedding. (We didn't have that problem, neither we, nor our folks had much to start with) (1957 and still holding)

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Sarah, I see you added to your sidebar ref: Taking Action to protect Women and Children also Oprah's link.....Thank you bunches...

God Bless you!!!!

Hoping your week is going great!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger watbull said...

*knock knock*

Where are you Sarah? Haven't seen you around at all. Hope that all is well.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Hope you guys beat Penn State today! Have a great weekend!!! Miss you.....

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Mike Jones said...

Hellooooo? Anybody home??

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Three Score and Ten or more said...

where y'all been? Kidnapped?, just napping? comeout comeout wherever you are.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Sarah, Happy Thanksgiving....hope it is very joyful and blessed!!

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Mike Jones said...

Someone call out the hound dogs, and start a search party!!


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