Wonderful Past

Life is about love & relationships and mad FUN: Family, friends & pets. We are embarking on a new chapter of our life; The Adoption of Our First Child!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

December 16, 2005 - J. & Sarah's Wedding

Well, the big day has come and past, My brother-in-law is now a married man & there are officially TWO Sarah Mitchell's (me and Sarah LOL). The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I was happy that the entire family got to be a part of it. My mother-in-law looked smashing. My father-in law is the best! Steve and Todd - you guys ROCK and I am so happy you are my BROTHERS! Todd, it will forever be engraved in my mind how beautiful you sing Christmas carols at the top of your lungs. Steve I will never forget how gracefully you tossed your glass in honor of our new sister. I lOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH!

Here are a few pics to hold everyone over until the next time I post.

Announcing Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Mitchell
Sarah, Excited to be announced
Beautiful Smile on J.
The Brothas Grimm
Todd, J. Matt, and Steve (Sexy, aren't they?)
Me and Jason
Sarah Dancing w her Ringbearer (adorable kid)

8 Other Freaks Said:

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! I look half loaded in a few of those. Anyways.. thanks for posting them and I'm glad you had a good time Sis'. I can't wait to get our video back!

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I got here via a friend of a friend's Blog (I was just bored and surfing) but was kind of surprised by the wedding photos you had here. I think I know the guy who got married. Are the Mitchell guys from Lansing and go to Waverly? If so, I graduated with Jonathan. What a small world. Here's my website: http://home.comcast.net/~bolszewski/index.html

My last name would have been Kaloz in high school.

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Bstermyster said...

Barbara - Thanks for visiting. My husband Matt says he knows you because of someone named Lance. So, you did graduate wity J.(Jonathan) Yes, all the Mitchell guys did go to Waverly. I haven't had a chance to tell J, but I will be sure to let him know and have him visit your blog. Who is the "friend of a friend" that you got to me by? I am just curious. I did visit your blog for a few minutes and I will take another look soon.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi again Sara! how funny! I saw that picture and thought "I know that face" and then saw the name and just would have been surprised if it wasn't who I thought it was. Yes, Matt was friends with Lance, who is my best friend's (Lisa) twin brother. I am actually getting together with Lisa later this evening so I will have to tell her to pass along to Lance that I found Matt and J. Please tell them both Hello!

I wound up at your blog via Nicole Botimer's blog (who I Don't know) but she is friends with my friend Kelly, who went to CMU with me for a semester..so that is how I wound up here. Very funny!

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Bstermyster said...

Yeah, Nicole is one of my best friends her husband Greg is Matt's best friend. They lived in Japan together back in 96 - before Nicole and I ever came into the picture. This is proof in itself that it really is a small world. Amazing.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! That is amazing! I wrote Kelly to find out how she knows Nicole but haven't heard back yet. So, then, Greg and Matt knew each other...did you and Nicole know each other before you both met the guys? two friends married two friends? That's how me and my hubby are. My friend Lisa married Ben, who was friends with my hubby Paul and they introduced us...so the 4 of us hang out a lot!

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Bstermyster said...

No, I came to MI from California in August of 98 and dated Matt before Nicole came into the picture. Greg met Nicole while she was in college and they were both working at toyota. So Nicole and I became great friends while Greg dated Nicole.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's cool. It's been fun "getting to know you." I'll keep checking in periodically...have seen you peeked in on my blog! Isn't my puppy adorable!? I just love her to death!


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